This will be a slightly different kind of character profile as most of my others only have one illustration. Not that the other characters don’t have other illustrations, but I felt that this one deserved to have a more in-depth examination–aside from the fictitious character himself.


Jackson stood impatiently next to Brink, examining the lobby with a bored expression. His tunic and thick pants accentuated more of his muscular physique. His golden blonde hair was combed back neatly, concealing its subtle waves. His light blue eyes were striking, a compliment to his incredibly handsome face despite his unpleasant expression. It was obvious why he got so many looks from excitable young women.


He was designed with a stereotype in mind: good-looking, charming, and yet lacking in selflessness and kindness.


Think of him as Uncle Scrooge. 

He’s important to my story because his life weaves a tale of redemption.


His childhood is full of neglect and abuse which fuels his intoxicated and promiscuous adulthood. Which is super cliche, I know.

But I wanted a relatable–broken–man in this fantasy realm of mine. Pain transcends most genres, but why not a struggle that does that as well?


“My whole life seems like a constant struggle. Broken legs and all,” he continued, “always forcing myself forward, yet being held back.”


Without going into more detail about my story and the character himself, I wanted to take a different spin on this particular ‘Character Portrait’ and talk about my own journey with Jackson.


Jackson has been a concept rolling around in my head for some time (I drew this picture below MANY years ago).

And–like the character’s personal development–I grew in my own personal way (hint: it was a lot of practicing, torn sketchbook pages, and crying).


Jackson the First


The arts aren’t always easy–even to those of us who seem to have a knack for it. The struggle is real and will continue even into the advanced stages (hopeful sounding, I know).


But the important thing is to continue on. No matter how great you think a piece turned out or if you think it belongs in the trash.


It also helps to learn from others. They can aid you in your own artistic journey.








“Every painting and even every thought is a necessary step to lead to the next painting.”

Alice Dustin

The Progression